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Frequently asked questions about Windi®


What is Windi®?

Windi® is a relief valve, or in medical terms- a rectal catheter- designed to help babies relieve gas and assist with colic.


What babies can Windi® be used on?

A big majority of babies suffer from gas at some point, so Windi® can be used on any baby. Windi® is often used on babies that shows signs of colic, as well as on babies that are constipated since it often triggers the baby to poop.


What is Windi® made of? Does it contain any hazardous substances or chemicals?

Windi® is made of a material called Dryflex. The material was carefully selected with the products usage in mind and is a common material to use for medical supplies and medical devices. The material has desirable properties and does not contain substances such as BPA or PVC.


Who invented Windi®?

Windi® was originally developed by scientists from Astra Tech AB in Mölndal, Sweden.


Why was Windi® invented?

The method of using a rectal catheter for relieving gas problems has been used for a long time and has been thoroughly tested within health care, both for infants and adults. Windi® is the first rectal catheter which has been designed for parents to be able to assist their babies at home in a safe and effective manner. Since many babies struggle with gas and colic the first few months after birth, the demand for a product like this was, and continues to be, very high.


How is Windi® considered safe to use?

The patented catheter has been developed taking into account the baby’s anatomy and safety and does not contain any loose parts. The catheter itself is long enough to reach past the sphincter which prevents release of the gas, but is designed with a stopper to prevent insertion from going too far and thereby injuring the baby. The catheter is made of soft and pliable material and has a rounded tip to prevent discomfort for the baby. The product has also been thoroughly tested and is FDA approved and registered as a Medical Device Class 1 with the Swedish Medical Board.  


Why is Windi® a single-use product?

It's not the properties of the material that makes Windi® a single-use product, it is technically possible to boil and sterilize the valves. However, as a manufacturer, we cannot guarantee that the consumer sterilizes Windi® correctly (in the correct sense of the word) and therefore it is sold as a single-use product. 


Are there any active substances in Windi®?

Windi® works completely mechanically and there are no active substances in it.


Where is Windi® manufactured?

Windi® is manufactured in Malmö, Sweden.


Why is Windi® manufactured in Sweden?

It is very important for us as a manufacturer to maintain a high quality of our products. This can be achieved by maintaining production within Sweden, although it would be much cheaper to manufacture in, for example, China.


Why is Windi® better than colic drops or gripe water?

Windi® is not really an alternative to colic drops or gripe water but rather an addition. Colic drops and gripe water is often something that should be taken frequently, or repeatedly. Windi® is only used if necessary and is not intended to be used for several months (although it is technically possible to do so). The biggest difference with Windi® compared to the drops is that Windi® is mechanical, works locally on the baby and contains no active substances. Many parents are skeptical of solutions and substances to be swallowed in order to affect the gastrointestinal tract. The effect of Windi® is also immediate as opposed to other alternatives.


Is there an upper age limit for Windi®?

There is no upper age limit for Windi®. The baby's anatomy changes, however, the older it becomes, which causes most babies to grow out of Windi® at 3 to 6 months of age. You can always try to use Windi® on an older baby with a gas problems.


Windi® is not working on my baby, why is that?

It can sometimes happen that you do not achieve the desired effect with Windi®. One can then try to perform a tummy massage on the baby, cycle with the legs and then try again. Just because Windi® does not work at one occasion does not mean that it will not work on the same baby at another occasion. If there is any gas trapped behind the sphincter, it will come out when the Windi valve is inserted. If no gas comes out, the gas might be stuck further up in the babies intestines or something else might be bothering the baby all together.


I think Windi® seems like an unprofessional product. Is there anything that proves that it isn’t?

Windi® is registered with the Swedish Medical Agency as a medical device class 1. It is also registered with the FDA (USA). It is patented and pattern protected.

Windi® is sold at pharmacies and retail pharmacies all over the world and has been on the market for about 10 years.


My baby is prem, can I still use Windi®?

Yes, you can still use Windi®. Premature children often have problems with their stomach and digestive system due to a more immature intestinal system than in full-term children. Windi® is used successfully in neonatal wards in Sweden. It is important to take into account the child's corrected age before using Windi® and it is advisable to consult with a nurse or a pediatrician before using Windi® on your premature child.


I just used a Windi® but it didn’t work. Is it ok for me to try again in a short while with the same Windi®?

Yes, it is ok to use the same valve if there is no visible contamination on the valve (i.e. feces).


I have heard from someone that Windi® is dangerous to use and painful for the child, is that true?

This it not true and there is no evidence for such a statement. We have 10 years of experience with the product and there has never been any reported cases where Windi® harmed a child. Of course, the consumer should always follow the instructions on the package.


I have heard that babies doesn't develop the skill to relieve gas on their own if you use Windi®, is this true?

This it not true and there is no evidence for such a statement. We have 10 years of experience with the product and there has never been any reported cases where Windi® harmed a child. Of course, the consumer should always follow the instructions on the package.


What determines the price of Windi®?

Windi® is manufactured in Sweden and imported to South Africa, which effects the price. The packaging is also made in Sweden.

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